VSSL Gear | Foghorn Labs

VSSL Gear help others be better prepared for outdoor adventure. When the founder, Todd, realized that the handle of a flashlight makes for the perfect “vessel” to carry essential outdoor gear, the idea VSSL was born. VSSL combines the right mix of quality,...

BMW ReachNow | Foghorn Labs

  ReachNow the mobility services division of the BMW Group, is building the future of urban transportation. Now serving more than 55,000 members in Seattle, Portland and Brooklyn, ReachNow is building an ecosystem that offers car sharing, ride sharing and car...

GU Energy Labs | Foghorn Labs

GU Energy Gel was introduced in 1991 and forever changed the way athletes re-fueled during exercise. GU finally made eating on the run possible and enjoyable! Look for GU on race courses, at your favorite run/bike/tri/outdoor shop or in the hands of the top athletes...

Toad&Co | Foghorn Labs

  Born in Telluride and based in Santa Barbara, Toad&Co (formerly Horny Toad Activewear) makes clothes designed to be an expression of ease. Keeping a one-closet lifestlye in mind, Toad&Co makes apparel that looks good without effort, is generous in the...

HippyTree | Foghorn Labs

      HippyTree is the original “surf & stone” apparel company. HippyTree designs products and graphics that embody the surf and climbing lifestyle. Marked by the green tree logo, HippyTree is committed to softening its environmental impact by using...
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